RISA and RSA signed contract worth half a billion

RISA and RSA signed contract worth half a billion

Risa and Rekefjord Stone (RSA) have entered into a contract valued at 500 million Norwegian kroner over five years.

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Rekefjord Stone celebrates 60 years with record turnover

Rekefjord Stone celebrates 60 years with record turnover

Rekefjord Stone turns 60 this year and is experiencing record demand for Norit and Ansit from Rekefjord.

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Gode Wind 3 and Borkum Riffgrund 3

Gode Wind 3 and Borkum Riffgrund 3

Gode Wind 3 and Borkum Riffgrund 3 are German Offshore Wind Farms, located in the German Bay, which is located in the German North sea…

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The world’s first battery hybrid ship arrived in Rekefjord

The world’s first battery hybrid ship arrived in Rekefjord

NOAH and Hagland Shipping wrote shipping history when lauching the battery hybrid Hagland Captain in August 2021.

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The new port in Aberdeen uses stone from Rekefjord

The new port in Aberdeen uses stone from Rekefjord

The coastal town of Aberdeen in the north-east of Scotland needed more berth space to handle the global fleet and decided to build a brand…

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Upgraded facility at Rekefjord East

Upgraded facility at Rekefjord East

A new coarse crusher, screen and conveyor belt provide increased safety and 30 percent increased efficiency in production.

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Armourstone and offshore materials

Armourstone and offshore materials

For all different water construction projects, Rekefjord Stone is the ideal partner. We meet our customer project requirements and expectations to deliver services and products…

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